My birthday is October 7. It’s a party - and the whole world’s invited.
October 7 is the start of international rebellion.
The start of two weeks of peaceful protest against centres of power. Until governments treat the climate crisis like a crisis.
So I don't want birthday wishes, fancy dinners, or presents.
For my 20th birthday I want a future.
I want to ask you to act. Take these two weeks to help our planet.
Come up with your own climate challenge to create a liveable future. For yourself, for me, and for everyone else who calls this planet home.
What can you do?
1. Your climate challenge
Do something for our planet these two weeks. Something you haven't done so far. It doesn't have to be radical. Every act makes a difference.
You could do two weeks of:
Not eating meat
Cycling everywhere
Plastic-free living
Recycling (if you don't already)
Cooking vegan
Public transport instead of car
Not buying new stuff
Showering for 5 minutes
Laundry in cold water
Not using disposable coffee cups
No plastic bottles
And so much more. There is a lot to do.
Keep me posted on your climate challenge! I’m going to write about it.
2. Rebelle
October 7 is the start of international rebellion. For our planet. I will take a stand in Paris that day. You can join anywhere in the world. Find your local rebellion, or start your own.
Let me know what you are doing to save our planet! I can't wait to hear it.
Lots of love and rebellion,
